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123 search results for: potato


Potato Crisp Cookies

Yup. This week’s recipe is cookies made with ready salted crisps because a) I’m stuck in the house due to ill health and bored and b) why the hell not? January is a time of indecision for most people and I like to provide the answers to questions like ‘do I want crisps or a […]


Potato Choux Puffs

After years of thinking choux pastry was impossibly difficult to make, 2015 was the year I mastered it and thus was tempted to make it every day. These little party snacks are an adaptation of classic Pommes Dauphine which are mashed potato combined with choux pastry before being deep fried. Even I thought that was […]


Slow Cooker Confit Potatoes

Until I got my new cooker earlier this year with its top oven, I’ve always had that dilemma when doing a roast dinner about how you balance different timings and temperatures for potatoes and meat. And since I got the new cooker, I just haven’t made a roast dinner… But at Christmas you often don’t […]


Sweet Potato Pie

Autumn is when all the good stuff happens: my birthday, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Bonfire Night and the joys of of planning your Christmas menu. I’m knee deep in recipes for the festive season this week for the Brixton Blog and Bugle so my own cooking has been simple recently with nothing blog-worthy (unless you want to […]


Ecuadorian Potato Patties

I am so invested in my Irish obsessiveness about potatoes that I always forget they are in fact South American in origin and am surprised when I see them in recipes from those regions. An Ecudorian cafe has opened near me and when I Googled what llapingachos were, secretly hoping it involved llama, it turned […]