A little slice of Pexommier cheese…

Sometimes the simplest things bring the greatest pleasure. This evening’s meal was based around local food: incredible fresh bread from the Height Top Barn Company, and gloriously melting Pexommier cheese from the Pextenement Cheese Company.

This is the latest offering from this local start-up producer, coming hot on the heels of their wonderfully fresh East Lee soft cheeses. Having sat at room temperature for some days, this cheese was just starting to ooze runnily when I cut it open: the mild aroma did little to alert me to the fantastically rich, smooth taste and texture. One might lazily start by comparing it to a good cambembert, though without the slightly ammonia-esque tang you might expect of that more matured cheese. However that comparison doesn’t aid in highlighting the slight sweetness of the cheese, the oh-so-soft skin and the harmonious pairing with some really good bread and local butter. All washed down with a great beer (in this case a Trippel from Chimay… the one with the white label).

Pextenement recommend aging it for four weeks after purchase… I managed ten days before the temptation became too much to bear. My excuse? Well, I’d not had it before and my anticipation was heightened after spending some time with the producers in my local the previous evening. Oh, and it was the perfect quick meal solution after a long day in the office. Sometimes the best fast food is really just slow food in disguise…

8 replies
  1. miss_south
    miss_south says:

    Just melted some of this into some sauteed leeks with a bit of bacon and then topped a baked potato with it all. Truly amazing! I cannot recommend it highly enough as a combo.

    Can’t wait to have the rest on some sourdough bread…

  2. peabodybaby
    peabodybaby says:

    Hi there, your Southern-dwelling sister can also enjoy a Pexommier. It’s occasionally available at Good Tast Food and Drink in Crystal Palace xx

  3. Mister North
    Mister North says:

    That’s wonderful news… saves me taking it down to the big smoke everytime. Glad you’ve brought Pexommier to the capital!

  4. peabodybaby
    peabodybaby says:

    If food is your thing Good Taste is worth a visit. Our cheese is on their special platter and available in the shop. But they appear to have a range of all things tasty…..

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