Tag Archive for: drink

Any (hot) port in a (snow) storm…



There are some firm favourites which I indelibly associate with certain seasons. As the temperature plummets, and biting-cold weather beckons, the first thing I’ll turn to is a hot port… and as we’re enjoying a ferociously cold snap and it’s Christmas, this is the perfect tipple. Think of it as a speedy mulled wine with a bit more of a kick behind it…

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Buckfast sorbet…

Alcohol, sugar, caffeine, ice… it’s Buckfast sorbet!

Buckfast may be made in the bucolic countryside of Devon, but its spiritual home is Scotland and Northern Ireland. A bottle or two of ‘Buckie‘ on a night out is a rite of passage for under-age drinkers when growing up either side of the Irish Sea. So it made perfect sense that since Mister North and Miss South are half Scottish, but raised in Belfast they would rise to the challenge of using up the leftover tonic wine from Burns’ NightRead more

(Coffee) bean-age kicks…

Two cups of energy-giving goodness…

It took me a long while to get into the pleasures of coffee… but now I’m a convert to the helping hand that a freshly-made long cup of frothy caffeine can provide first thing in the morning.

It’s Friday, it’s the end of a long week, and I really needed that kick up the keister today. Some might consider it sacrilegious to adulterate coffee beans with chocolate, but for me a good mocha as a pre-breakfast drink is the perfect start to the day. Roll on the weekend…

Making Damson Gin

damson gin (6 of 7)I discovered that it’s not hard to make a fantastic spirit to summon up the vestiges of summer when you’re in the cold depths of winter.

Damsons + sugar + cheap gin = heaven. Here’s how…

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