Entries by Mister North

Shooting ‘Slow Cooked’

Mr North shows some behind-the-scenes photography for the ‘Slow Cooked’ book, and shares the process of bringing these personal, beautiful recipes & exciting flavours to life.

Adventures in sourdough: pancakes and grissini

One of the things which seems to mark out people who care about their food is a love of proper bread. In some respects I came round to this rather late. Although we grew up enjoying bread from wee bakeries in Northern Ireland, with lovely batch loaves, bloomers, wheaten bread and more; we also ate a […]

Two very different Christmas leftover soups

Happy New Year! Well, that’s Christmas over for another year. The tree’s gone, the decorations are down, and the last hints of spice in the air are fading fast. Miss South and I made the most of the season in our respective locations… both making Christmas puddings for the first time; cooking up a great […]

Heat me up, melt me down: cool Vietnamese & Korean chilli favourites

As you might’ve noticed, it’s been hot. Very hot. And when it gets hot, I want food which both heats me up and cools me down (as the Shirley Lites almost sang). You could plot a graph showing a direct correlation between outside temperature, and my yearnings for salads and chilli. When we were growing up […]

East meets West – wild garlic, Sichuan-style

This week we went foraging for what’ll probably be the last of this year’s wild garlic. It’s rare to be able to gather it so close to the start of June, and after a late start – disrupted by the snows at the back end of March – this year’s ended up yielding a good […]