New Things

I have never been a great fan of change if I’m honest. I like stability, I like steadiness. I hate surprises. The greatest gift you can give me is consistency. But sometimes things do change organically and temper the uncertainty of it all.
And my life has been full of changes recently. From fodmaps and diets to emotions and eating disorder recovery and people and places, they’ve been the kind of changes that take guts and grit but start pay off in spades the more you dig.
Instead of that feeling of being in a hole, it’s the kind of digging that gives you a pile of earth to stand on to raise yourself higher as you wave at everyone round you. Different view and different perspective and it means change can feel empowering rather than overwhelming.
So it’s time for me to make another change and move on from this blog. After nearly seven years here I’m moving onto a new path and pasture at and seeing where that takes me.
Thank you to everyone who read here and made it an experience I never expected when I started out. I’ve loved your reactions and comments and I look forward to welcoming you at my new home!

Rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb…

Great news for those us with access to one of Yorkshire's…
Scotch pie, peas and Irn Bru

Peas and goodwill to all pies…

Mister North went to Glencoe in the Scottish Highlands recently…

Portuguese Tapas…or how I learned to love liver.

Mister North was in London for the evening and it would have…

Pancake Tuesday

Today is Shrove Tuesday, when it is traditional to use up the…

A little slice of Pexommier cheese…

Sometimes the simplest things bring the greatest pleasure.…

Mister North’s souper noodles…

I was out with some friends in Manchester yesterday and we…

The Life of Pie

Monday night was a hotbed of excitement and nerves being slightly…

Dan Dan Noodles

Sunday morning saw me up and alert early for once and off to…

A little taste of Lancashire

I bought Simon Hopkinson's new book, 'The Vegetarian Option'…
Game Pie

Game on…

This is my second attempt at game pie. I do like a good pie,…

Lemon Cupcakes

As you probably all know, cupcakes are the sweet treat du jour…

Second-degree Burns

Last night I had the pleasure of hosting a Burns' Supper…